The Smokey Bear project undertaken in collaboration with Ridge was a stimulating endeavor. It involved an extensive exploration of the Smokey Bear brand's historical archives and delving into the origins of the Smokey Bear narrative. This project held particular significance due to its charitable dimension, emphasizing the crucial mission of raising awareness and preventing wildfires. It serves as a reminder that the responsibility for preventing wildfires lies with each individual.

The photograph displayed at the bottom of this project was meticulously composed from a composite of various images and then skillfully retouched to convey the appearance of resting on a weathered wooden backdrop. The intention was to imbue it with a sense of sophistication evocative of a camping ambiance, albeit not overly rustic in nature. Drawing inspiration from the poster art style of the 1940s, the typography was thoughtfully crafted, and tonal vector graphics of trees were incorporated to infuse a contemporary touch. While preserving the essence of a rich, photorealistic insert, extensive retouching was employed to achieve a final product that met our high standards and expectations.

